Teaching activities
Most of my teaching activities are done at INSA Rouen Normandie, within the computer engineering (ITI) department.
Here a list with ressources to some of my principal courses.
Matrix factorization (LU,QR,Cholesky), linear systems, eigensystems, iterative methods and more.
- Algorithmique (resp. Nicolas Delestre)
C programming, collections, dynamic data structure, advanced algortihms.
Introduction to statistics and data science including descriptive statistics, linear regression and statistical signifiance tests.
A course given at UFAZ, a Franco-Azerbaijani university. It focuses on basics of machine learning including unsupervised (KMeans, PCA) and supervised (Ridge Regression, SVM) methods. It also includes evaluation protocol and theory. All ressources can be freely download here
Feel free to contact me if you need any material.