Hello, and welcome to this website.
I’m Benoit Gaüzère, associate professor (Maitre de Conférences) in machine learning. My research is done within LITIS lab and teaching is mainly conducted at INSA Rouen Normandie.
This website is an attempt to gather my teaching and research activities.
To contact me, the best is to send an email to my professional adress : benoit.gauzere@insa-rouen.fr
Latest News
- 2024-11-24 | New Paper on Graph Pooling !
- 2024-09-10 | Participation to S+SSPR 2024 in Venice
- 2024-06-05 | PhD Opportunity GNN and Brain data
- 2024-02-09 | SWERC 2024 - Competitive Programming
- 2024-01-08 | Advent of Code 2023
- 2023-11-27 | Master Internship on GNN and Fair Machine Learning
- 2023-11-24 | Machine Learning on Graph Working Group
- 2023-09-30 | A new school year just begun
- 2023-08-28 | Two new ANR projects and one paper at ACPR 2023
- 2023-07-06 | Participation to GbR 2023 in Salerno
- 2023-04-20 | Recrutement thèse GRANIT - Caractérisation des dynamiques spatiales dans le cadre de sources géolocalisées et non géolocalisée
- 2023-03-05 | Implémentation de différents tests d'isomorphisme de graphes